詹克斯的新作《跃迁宇宙建筑学》让建筑学跻身于“深科学”(Com plexity Sci-ence 又被称为“复杂科学”),把许多科学新术语作为建筑创作的理论基础,从自然规律、科学发展、时代特征思考这种意识不无道理. 文章由此立论并阐述.
In his recent book the Architecture of the Jumping Universe,Jancks classified architecture as one Complexity Science (also called Science Complexity). From the point of natural law,science development and contemporary feature,this concept is quite reasonable. When many new Science terms are taken as the theoritical basis of architectural indition. This articte will make a point and expound based on what bas been stated above.