模糊控制理论及应用近年来已成为控制领域中的一个研究热点,软件模糊控制由于其结构简单,成本低,易于调整规则等优点而越来越成为应用得最为广泛的一种模糊控制方法。本文提出了模糊控制器的一种新的f1-f2 推理方法,改进了模糊控制器的性能,并由此设计了模糊PID控制器. 以工业电炉为控制对象,进行了模糊控制方法的计算机仿真,仿真结果也证实了此控制器的有效性.
The fuzzy theory and its application have turned into an important area in control realm during recent years. Due to its simple structure, low cost, easiness to adjust rules and so on, software fuzzy control method is widely used. We propose a new f1 f2 reasoning method, which improved the character of the fuzzy controller. Based on this method the fuzzy PID controller is designed. Finally taking industrial electric sove as the control objective, a computer simulation of the fuzzy control method is completed. Simulation results demonstrate its effectiveness.