研究了三相异弹模薄板界面裂缝缝端奇异性与几何边界条件和弹性常数的依赖关系 .采用原点设置在缝端的极坐标系统 ,用复势函数方法推导了缝端应力场的表达式 ,求得应力强度因子 .算例表明 ,本文的解答是正确的 。
In this paper, we investigate the dependence of the order of stress singularity at the tip of a crack, which terminates at the vertex of a tri material wedge, on its geometry and the elastic constants. The stress field formulation near the crack tip in a system of polar coordinates which origin at the singular point is derived in terms of complex stress intensity factor K by using complex potentials. Several exampels prove that the solution of this paper is correct and some useful conclusions are obtained.
Journal of Zhengzhou University of Technology
SupportedbytheNationalNaturalScienceFoundationofChina(5 90 79379)