
林木个体大小不一致性指标对人工林间伐方式的即时性响应 被引量:9

Instant response of individual size inequality indices to thinning regimes in plantation
摘要 以广西14年生杉木和马尾松人工林为对象,设同一疏伐强度的下层疏伐、上层疏伐、机械疏伐和干扰树间伐4种处理,分别用标准差、变异系数、偏度、Gini系数、库兹涅茨系数和洛伦茨不对称系数6种指标对4种间伐方式下采伐前后林木个体大小差异进行评价.结果表明:与间伐前相比,马尾松和杉木人工林下层疏伐或上层疏伐后,林木个体材积的标准差、变异系数、Gini系数和库兹涅茨系数均变小,偏度变大;干扰树间伐后标准差、变异系数、Gini系数和库兹涅茨系数均变大,偏度则不一定.马尾松林和杉木林下层疏伐后洛伦茨不对称系数变大,上层疏伐或干扰树间伐后则变小.机械疏伐后各指标无明显变化规律.干扰树间伐后林木个体大小差异性增加,上层疏伐和下层疏伐后林木个体大小差异性减小.洛伦茨曲线、Gini系数和洛伦茨不对称系数均能较好地反映林木个体大小不一致性,可以进行不同林分间个体差异程度静态和动态比较,较好地反映不同间伐方式引起的林木个体差异.洛伦茨不对称系数可以判断林木个体大小不一致性的来源是大树还是小树.近自然森林经营中干扰树间伐措施可以在减小目标树竞争压力的同时拉大林木个体大小差距,有助于保持目标树在林分中的优势地位. Four kinds of thinning treatments were designed including thinning from below, thinning from above, mechanical thinning and crop tree release with the same thinning intensity on the 14- year-old pure Cunninghamia laceolata and Pinus massoniana plantations in Guangxi, and 6 kinds of size inequality indices were applied including stand deviation, variation coefficient, skewness, Gini coefficient, Kuznetz coefficient and Lorenz asymmetry coefficient to evaluate the change of individu- al volume inequality after the 4 kinds of thinning regimes applied. The results showed that stand de- viation, variation coefficient, Gini coefficient and Kuznetz coefficient decreased and skewness in- creased after thinning from below or above compared with before thinning, while after crop tree re- lease these four indices increased and skewness was uncertain. Lorenz asymmetry coefficient in- creased after thinning from below while it decreased after thinning from above or crop tree release compared with before thinning. There was no distinct rule for the 6 kinds of size inequality indices after mechanical thinning. The size inequality increased after crop tree release while it decreased af-ter thinning from above or below. The study suggested that Lorenz curve, Gini coefficient and Lorenz asymmetry coefficient could be used to compare the size inequality statically and dynamically among different stands, and could be discriminated the difference of size inequality caused by the different thinning regimes. Lorenz asymmetry coefficient even could be applied to tell the size ine- quality was mainly from the larger or smaller individuals. Crop tree release method in close-to-na- ture management could lessen the competition pressures of crop trees and increase the size inequali- ty of the stand effectively which would be helpful to maintain the dominant position of crop trees.
出处 《应用生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第6期1645-1651,共7页 Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology
基金 浙江省重点科技创新团队项目(2010R50030-15) "十二五"国家科技支撑计划项目(2012BAD22B0503) 浙江农林大学科研启动项目(2013FR015)资助
关键词 个体大小不一致性 间伐方式 干扰树间伐 洛伦茨不对称系数 individual size inequality thinning regime crop tree release Lorenz asymmetry coef-ficient.
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