
腹腔镜术中男性患儿对侧隐匿性鞘状突未闭初步研究 被引量:8

Preliminary study of contralateral occult inguinal indirect hernia in male children by laparoscopy
摘要 目的探讨腹腔镜术中男性患儿对侧隐匿性鞘状突未闭(occult patent processus vaginalis,OPPV)的患病率、发病率及其临床意义。方法回顾性分析2008年1月至2013年6月行经脐二孔法腹腔镜下疝囊高位结扎术2596患儿的临床资料。结果本组44.65%(1159/2596)患儿对侧腹股沟区探查为阳性,右侧OPPV患病率为48.89%(420/859),左侧OPPV患病率为42.54%(739/1737),左右侧患病率差异有统计学意义(X^2=9.38,P〈0.01),右侧相对于左侧相对危险度为1.15。OPPV总发病率为4.31%(50/1159)。其中,1岁以内患儿OPPV患病率为40.65%(163/401),发病率为6.75%(11/163);1~2岁内患儿OPPV患病率最高达59.53%(534/897),发病率为1.87%(10/534);2~6岁患儿OPPV患病率为40.41%(379/938),发病率为5.28%(20/379);6至16岁患儿OPPV患病率最低为23.06%(83/360),发病率为最高10.84%(9/83)。80.00%(40/50)患儿有呼吸道感染、腹泻等诱发因素,20.00%(10/50)为不明诱因。本组复发率为0.08%(2/2596)。结论不同年龄段OPPV患病率及发病率不同,提示所有患儿腹腔镜下常规行对侧OPPV探查有一定临床价值,尤其是2岁后OPPV可能更需要积极的手术干预。 Objective To evaluate the prevalence and incidence of contralateral occult inguinal indirect hernia (OPPV) in male children by laparoscopy. Methods A 5-year retrospective review was conducted for 2596 male patients undergoing unilateral inguinal laparoscopic herniorraphy (LH) from January 2008 to June 2013. Results Among them, 44. 65% (1 159/2 596) had OPPV in contralateral inguinal groin while 4. 31% (50/1 159) developed contralareal indirect hernia. Laparoscopic evaluation was positive for right-sided OPPV in 48. 89% (420/859) and left-sided lesion in 42. 54% (739/1 737) (X^2 = 9. 38, P〈0. 01). Left-sided indirect hernia (RR= 1.15) was associated with an elevated risk of contralateral OPPV. OPPV was diagnosed in 40. 65 % (163/401) of patients aged under 1 year and the future contralateral occurrence rate was 6.75% (11/163). The highest prevalence of 59.53% (534/897) and the lowest incidence of 1. 87% (10/534) of OPPV were found in those patients aged under 2 years respectively. Laparoscopic evaluation was positive for OPPV in 40. 41% of patients aged 2-6 years. And 5.28% patients developed contralateral indirect hernia. The lowest prevalence of 23. 06% (83/360) and the highest incidence of 10. 84%(9/83) of OPPV were found in those aged 6 - 16 years respectively. And 80. 00% (40/50) patients with contralateral indirect hernia resulting from OPPV had the causes of respiratory infections and diarrheal diseases while 20. 00% (10/50) did not. The future recurrence rate was 0. 08% (2/2 596). Conclusions Laparoscopic exploration should be routinely performed for pediatric patients of all ages because of a high prevalence and incidence of contralateral OPPV. Especially, LH should be actively performed in patients aged over 2 year because of a high incidence of contralateral OPPV.
出处 《中华小儿外科杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第6期429-431,共3页 Chinese Journal of Pediatric Surgery
关键词 腹股沟 腹腔镜检查 患病率 发病率 Groin Laparoscopy Prevalence Incidence
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