
美国“新丝绸之路”计划评估 被引量:7

An Assessment of America's Plan for a "New Silk Road"
摘要 "新丝绸之路"计划是美国在冷战结束后即开始的"丝绸之路"计划的升级版,具有多重战略目标,其中最主要的是通过经济手段帮助美国尽早从阿富汗脱身。该计划试图通过地区基础设施、能源项目建设和推动地区贸易自由化促进以阿富汗为"枢纽"的南亚、中亚地区经济一体化。由于阿富汗安全形势没有好转迹象,美国与地区国家的利益不尽相同,且美国无力克服南亚、中亚内部区域经济合作的障碍,目前该计划实施进度缓慢。该计划的实施为南亚、中亚地区经济合作带来了资金和推动力,但无力从根本上改变地区合作的面貌。 The 'New Silk Road Plan' developed by the United States in the years since the end of the Cold War represents a number of strategic objectives,the most important of which is to leverage economic measures to aid the US as it disengages from Afghanistan.The Plan aims to transform Afghanistan into a ' hub' for economic integration between South and Central Asia through the development of regional infrastructure,energy projects and through liberalization of regional trade policies.However,because of the failure of efforts to improve the security situation in Afghanistan,because of conflicting interests between the United States and local states in the region,and because the United States has not been able to remove obstacles to regional economic cooperation across South and Central Asia,this plan has seen only limited progress.Even though it offers South and Central Asia financing and real incentives for economic cooperation,it is not able to transform the mode of regional cooperation at a fundamental level.
作者 邵育群
出处 《南亚研究》 CSSCI 2014年第2期58-70,158,共13页 South Asian Studies
关键词 新丝绸之路 美国 南亚 中亚 New Silk Road United States South Asia Central Asia
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