
论美国印裔族群的政治参与 被引量:2

Political Participation of the Indian Diaspora in the United States
摘要 长久以来,政治参与一直是外来移民实现社会融入的重要方式之一,也是其维护自身权益并抗击主流社会歧视与排挤的必然选择。作为当今美国第二大亚裔群体,印裔族群的参政在久经曲折后已发生根本性的转变。由于新时期的族裔发展具有多重特性,在一系列自身和外界因素的合力推动下,印裔族群对美国政治生活的积极参与不仅已通过政治捐款、投票、竞选、游说等方面得到清晰的展现,而且还逐步形成了某些显著的特点。就目前的发展态势而言,印裔族群的参政力度和影响必将会得到进一步的强化。 Political participation has long been seen as an important means for new immigrants to achieve social integration,and is also a natural choice for immigrants looking to ensuring their rights and resist mainstream social discrimination or exclusion.As the second largest Asian diaspora population in the United States,following initial frustrations with their involvement in the political process,Indian immigrants have made fundamental breakthroughs in their political participation.With the developing trend towards increased ethnic plurality among new immigrants,a range of exogenous and endogenous factors have worked together to promote the positive participation of the Indian diaspora in American political life,as is clearly evidenced through their political donations,voting,campaigning for public office,and lobbying activities.Gradually,Indian American political involvement has developed a number of distinct characteristics,and based on present trends,the level of participation and influence of the Indian diaspora will continue to increase.
作者 滕海区
出处 《南亚研究》 CSSCI 2014年第2期140-155,160,共16页 South Asian Studies
基金 五邑大学青年科研基金项目(2013SK05) 广东省教育厅人文社科一般项目"美国华裔与印度裔移民比较研究"(2013WYXM0114) 广东省哲学社会科学"十二五"规划2013年度学科共建项目"移民与发展:美国华裔与印度裔移民比较研究"(GD13XHQ01)的阶段性成果
关键词 美国印裔族群 政治参与 特点动因 Indian Diaspora in the U.S. Political Participation Characteristics Drivers
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  • 1Arthur W. Helweg, Strangers in a Not - so- strange Land: Indian American Immigrants in the Global Age (Belmont, CA: Wadsworh/Thomson Learning Inc. , 2004), p. 56.
  • 2Sanjeev Khagram, Manish Desai and Jason Varughese, "Seen, Rich, but Unheard? The Politics of Asian Indians in the United States," in Gordon H. Chang ed. , Asian Americans and Politics: Perspectives, Experiences, Prospects ( Washington, DC : Woodrow Wilson Center Press, 2001 ), pp. 258 - 259.
  • 3Joan M. Jensen, Passage from India : Asian Indian Immigrants in North America ( New Haven, Con- necticut : Yale University Press, 1958 ), p. 36.
  • 4Karen Isaksen Leonard, The South Asian Amer/cans (Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1997), p. 45.
  • 5Ar- thur W. Helweg and Usha M. Helweg, An Immigrant Success Story: East Indians in America (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1990) , p. 55.
  • 6Monisha Das Gupta, Unruly Immigrants : Rights, Activism and Transnational South Asi- an Politics in the United States ( Durham, NC : Duke University Press, 2006 ) , p. 29.
  • 7Aminah Mohammad - Arif, Salaam America : Somh Asian Muslims in New York ( London : Anthem Press, 2002), p. 32.
  • 8Sanjeev Khagram, Manish Desai and Jason Varughese, "Seen, Rich, but Unheard? The Politics of Asian Indians in the United States," p. 261.
  • 9Michel S. Laguerre, "Network Governance of Asian American Diasporic Politics," in Christian Col- let and Pei - te Lien eds. , The Transnational Politics of Asian Americans ( Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 2009), p. 125.
  • 10John Powell, Encyclopedia of North American Immigration (New York, NY: Facts on File Inc. , 2005) , p. 147.


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