
妙笔灵动 珠联璧合——王宏印《哈姆雷特》新译本特色和创新研究 被引量:2

Breaking Fresh Ground in Translating Hamlet into Chinese——A Study of Prof. Wang Hongyin's Chinese Translation of Hamlet
摘要 从基本面貌、翻译原则和语言运用、原文深层理解三个方面考察王宏印先生的莎剧《哈姆雷特》新汉译本,发现它具有多方面的特色和创新。译者版本体例和翻译方法的革新创造、自然语言运用的融合、可读性与舞台表演效果的兼顾、哲学层面的深层理解与表达、翻译理论的观念启迪都使译本呈现出珠联璧合、文笔灵动、韵味悠长的审美特征以及浓厚的学术气息,在总体风貌、语言运用、文学艺术上达到了很高水平。这部译作标志着莎剧汉译领域新的重要成果,是国内新一代莎剧学者对莎剧研究与汉译版本的新贡献。 Through analyzing Wang Hongyin' s new Chinese translation of Hamlet with regard to its basic profile, translating principles and language use, and comprehension of the original text, it is found that the translation is characterized by multifaceted features and innovations. The translator breaks fresh ground regarding Chinese translation edition and methods of translating Shakespeare' s plays, incorporative innovation in use of natural Chinese language, compatibility of translating for the page and tot the stage, more philosophical insights into the original work and their expression in translation, and enlightening scholarly conceptiun in translation theory, imbuing his translation with both aesthetic appeal and artistic ingenuity. All this marks the translatot' s success in overall aesthetic effect, language use and literary artistry. The translation represents new achievement in translating Shakespeare into Chinese and new contribution to Shakespeare studies and the Chinese translation edition system of Shakespeare' s plays.
作者 王晓农
出处 《西安外国语大学学报》 CSSCI 2014年第2期108-111,共4页 Journal of Xi’an International Studies University
关键词 《哈姆雷特》 汉译本 创新 莎剧 Hamlet Chinese translation innovation Shakespeare' s plays
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