Field hockey short corner is the most effective means of scoring, it has the speed of a short break, with flexible and difficult defensive characteristics, a team high and low success rate in the short corner team can win is an important factor;a lot of competition important outcome of the race is from the short corner to determine the success rate, so the national team will be as a focus of the study. Based on the Chinese team in the World Cup, world championships, Olympic Games and other major competitions in the short corner tactical technical statistics to compare the same event China women’s hockey between the other teams offensive and defensive short corner , and in China women’s hockey major race in offensive and defensive short corner to make a comparative analysis reveals the short corner in the China women’s hockey the importance of tactics to find China women’s hockey between World Championship In the short corner tactical gaps and shortcomings, and attempts to reveal the success rate China women’s hockey short corner and the relationship between results of the competition. Finally, analysis of China women’s hockey team comments and suggestions for preparing.
Sichuan Sports Science
Women's hockey
Short comer kick
Development trend