
流域非点源污染文献计量分析 被引量:2

Bibliometric analysis on literatures of Non-Point Source Pollution at A Watershed Scale
摘要 非点源污染成为制约中国社会经济和环境可持续发展的重要因素。为了准确掌握流域非点源污染研究的全球状况和前沿动态,客观反映相关国家或地区在该领域的科学能力和科学影响,采用ISI Web of Knowledge的Web of Science引文数据库,选用基本检索方式,以流域非点源的相关术语作为主题检索词,对1900年-2012年之间该库收录的此领域的相关文献进行计量分析。结果表明:从发文量、研究机构和研究人员、高被引文献分析可以看出,美国在此领域成绩卓越,领先于其他国家;在典型机理模型运用方面,SWAT的发文量最多,占模型运用相关文献发文量的52%;国际上该领域最主要的期刊有Journal of The American Water Resources Association、Science of The Total Environment、Journal of Hydrology和Journal of Environmental Quality;中国科学院、北京师范大学和浙江大学的流域非点源污染领域发文量在中国位居前3位。 Nonpoint pollution has been a key impact of sustainable development of social economy and environment. To better understand the global trend in nonpoint source pollution at a watershed scale and to reflect major nations' sci entific advances and influences on the world' s scientific community in the field, a bibliometric study on nonpoint source literature indexed by the Web of Science based on Web of Knowledge during 1990-2012 was car ded out using regular search methods. Results indicated that among all nations, American had been ahead of other countries considering the number of publications, institutions, researchers and highly cited literature. In terms of typical mechanism model, publications relating to SWAT model had accounted for the largest proportion.The aver age impact factor of the top 10 journals publishing related articles was 2.608. Three journals including Environmen tal Pollution, Science of the Total Environmental and Water Air and Soil Pollution were the most important and popular ones in this field. The Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing Normal University and Zhejiang University were the top 3 institutions that had the highest numbers of publications with the highest quality in China.
出处 《农业图书情报学刊》 2014年第6期55-61,共7页 Journal of Library and Information Sciences in Agriculture
关键词 流域 非点源 文献计量分析 Watershed Non-point Bibliometric analysis Web of Science
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