
整流二极管对压电输出模型的影响性研究 被引量:1

Research on the Effect of Rectifier Diodes on the Output Model of Piezoelectric Generator
摘要 为了提高压电换能器理论模型的精度,基于标准电路,在考虑整流二极管压降的基础上,建立了更准确的压电换能器理论模型,得出系统输出功率的表达式,并给出了等效质量的位移推导过程。对比传统模型,通过仿真分析揭示了整流二极管对压电输出的影响规律。结果表明,在考虑整流二极管压降的基础上,接口电路实际最优匹配负载有少量增加趋势;随着整流二极管压降的增加,输出功率峰值呈递减趋势;输出频带宽也相应减小。 To improve the model accuracy of piezoelectric generator, this article built a more accurate theoretical model for piezoelectric generator system under considering of rectifier diodes' voltage drop based on the standard circuit. An analytical expression of output power was derived and the derivation of the equivalent quality's displacement was presented in detail. A comparison between traditional model which have neglected the effect of rectifier diodes and the new improved model had been made and the results could be generalized as follows: the optimal resistance has a slightly trend to be larger in new improved model; the peak output power descends as the rectifier dioder s voltage drop increasing and the adaptive frequency bandwidth in new model reduces accordingly.
出处 《压电与声光》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第3期468-469,473,共3页 Piezoelectrics & Acoustooptics
基金 国家自然基金资助项目(51175056)
关键词 压电换能器 标准电路 整流二极管 功率峰值 功耗 piezoelectric generator standard circuit rectifier diode power-peak power dissipation
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