

Study on the Relationship between the Moisture of Forest Ground Surface Fuel and Altitude
摘要 大兴安岭天然林保护工程重点区域,也是森林火灾频发的重灾区。收集测定了177组森林地表可燃物含水率数据,整理成列联表,进行列联表分析。结果表明,所研究区域的森林地表可燃物在低海拔含水率较高,随着海拔的升高,含水率呈现明显的降低趋势。研究结果可为进一步建立更加精确的大兴安岭林区森林地表可燃物含水率预测模型提供理论基础,对于该林区火灾预防工作意义重大。 The study involves Daxing'anling area located in the key area of the natural forest protection project,and it is a place where forest fires frequently occurs. 177 groups of forest ground surface fuel moisture data are collected an measured to form a contingency table for contingency analysis. The result shows that the moisture rate of the forest ground surface fuel in the area involved in the study is higher at a lower altitude and shows a significant downward trend with the increase in altitude. The analysis of fuel moisture rate and altitude relationship in the study can provide theoretical basis for the further accuracy of the Daxing'anling forest ground surface fuel moisture rate forecast model, of great significance for fire prevention work in this area.
出处 《林业劳动安全》 2014年第2期27-30,共4页 Forestry Labour Safety
关键词 地表可燃物 含水率 海拔 列联表分析 ground surface fuel moisture rate altitude contingency table analysis
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