对完成口服泼尼松 8周治疗的肾病综合征患者 1 7例 ,在治疗前取血进行淋巴细胞转化抑制试验 ,观察其对糖皮质激素治疗的反应性。结果 :1 0例患者对激素治疗敏感 ,另 7例对激素抵抗 ;而这 2组患者体外淋巴细胞培养对激素的反应有显著性差异 (P <0 .0 1 ) ,甲泼尼龙抑制PHA引发的淋巴细胞转化作用强者 ,对激素治疗敏感 ;而甲泼尼龙对淋巴细胞转化抑制作用弱者对激素抵抗。结果表明 :体外淋巴细胞转化抑制试验可以作为预测激素治疗效果的方法。
WT5BZ]Nineteen patients with nephrotic syndrome received administration of glucocorticoid after they receired the blood test for lymphocyte and restrain test. Seventeen out of 19 patients completed the 8 week observation. Ten patients were sensitive to the glucocorticoid, whereas 7 were resistant to it. There was significant difference in the results of lymphocyte transform and restrain test between the sensitive and resistant patients. The result indicates that the lymphocyte transform and restrain test can be used as a method to predict the reaction to glucocorticoid in patients with nephrotic syndrome.
Journal of Capital Medical University