
基于深海波导不变性的会聚区目标态势分析 被引量:1

Analysis of Convergence Zone Target Movement Based on Waveguide Invariant in Deep-Ocean Environment
摘要 针对深海会聚区目标运动态势判别困难的问题,提出了一种基于深海波导不变性的会聚区目标运动态势分析方法。会对深海波导不变性,利用简正波理论分别分析了反射简正波和反转简正波对深海波导不变量的影响,即反射简正波形成的波导不变量近似为1,反转简正波形成的波导不变量为负值。态势分析方法依据声纳听音信号LOFAR谱图特点,实现目标运动态势判别。仿真数据与海试数据验证结果表明:改进方法可以在预知环境信息较少的情况下,实现深海会聚区目标及运动态势的正确判定。 To solve the problem of estimating target in convergence zone, a method was presented to estimate the convergence zone target based on waveguide invariant in deep - ocean environment. The character and calculation of waveguide invariant were illuminated and the influences of different kinds of normal mode on the waveguide were interpreted, which is developed from the character of interference structure of waveguide invariant and the WKBZ meth od. This method can accomplish the analysis of target movement with little pre - knowledge of the environment. It has applied to simulation and data collected during an experiment at the East China Sea. The results are well matched.
出处 《计算机仿真》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第6期1-5,共5页 Computer Simulation
关键词 波导不变性 深海环境 目标态势分析 Waveguide invariant Deep- ocean environment Target movement analysis
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