目的 :观察溶栓疗法对急性下肢深静脉血栓形成的疗效。方法 :对经彩色多普勒超声检查确诊的 1 4例患者穿刺患肢足背浅静脉 ,用输液泵持续交替滴注尿激酶、低分子右旋糖酐、脉络宁注射液 ,口服阿司匹林、双嘧达莫等。结果 :痊愈 1 0例 ,显效 4例 (经第 2个疗程治疗后痊愈显效各 2例 )。结论 :溶栓疗法治疗血栓效果确切 ,对错过手术最佳时期者尤为适宜。
Objective:To observe the effect of thrombolysis in treating acute deep vein thrombosis (DVT) in the lower limbs. Methods:For the 14 patients diagnosed by colour Doppler ultrasonographic examination, intravenous drip of urokinase, dextran and mailuoning was ministered alternatively through the superficial venosus dorsalis pedis in the involved side. Meanwhile, oral intake of aspirin and dipyridamole was also prescribed. Results:Ten patients healed and four significantly improved. Conclusion: The efficacy of thrombolysis for treatment of DVT in the lower limbs is valid. This intervention is especially suitable for those patients who missed the optimum time window of operation.mbolysisforT
Herald of Medicine