使用高效液相色谱法检测豆芽中2,4-D残留量,用氢氧化钠溶液作为提取剂,采用超声波法提取样品中的2,4-D,经SPE净化,采用紫外检测器检测;用保留时间进行定性分析,外标法进行定量计算。结果表明:标准曲线为Y=4024.1873x-113.9999,相关系数0.9999,线性范围为0.05~10.00μg/mL,方法检出限为0.02 mg/kg,回收率为90.3%~104.7%,相对标准偏差为0.52%~11.18%。
Sodium hydrate was used as extracting agent,the ultrasonicwave method was used to extract 2,4-D in bean sprouts.The samples were purified by SPE and detected by UV detector.RT was used in qualitative analysis,and external standard method was used in quantitative calculation. The results showed that the standard curve was Y=4 024.187 3x-113.999 9,the correlation coefficient was 0.999 9,the linearity range was 0.05~10.00μg/mL,the detection limit of method was 0.02 mg/kg,the standard recovery was 90.3%~104.7%,and RSD was 0.52%~11.18%.
Modern Agricultural Science and Technology