

Effect of successive rearing on the main biological parameters of Bactrocera correcta
摘要 室内测定了不同饲养代数番石榴实蝇成虫的寿命和体长、翅展和头宽及卵和蛹的大小。结果表明:在室内条件下继代饲养番石榴实蝇第25代后,其成虫寿命缩短,成虫体长、翅展、头宽、卵粒长度和宽度减小,百粒卵重明显降低;雌成虫体长、翅展和头宽分别由第5代的6.864±0.169、1.872±0.039和11.720±0.159 mm降为5.999±0.620、1.690±0.162和10.801±0.705 mm,雄成虫体长、翅展和头宽分别由第5代的5.603±0.211、10.727±0.279和1.774±0.066 mm降为第25代的5.186±0.369、10.390±0.939和1.636±0.134 mm;卵粒长度由第5代的1.087±0.072 mm降为第25代的1.015±0.091 mm,卵宽度由第5代的0.274±0.056 mm降为第25代的0.139±0.056 mm,百粒卵重由第5代的0.004±0.0001 g降为第25代的0.002±0.0004 g;蛹长、蛹宽和蛹重均随着饲养代数的增加而减小,第25代时蛹长、蛹宽和蛹重由第5代的4.76±0.14 mm、2.31±2.34 mm和0.034±0.085 g降为4.46±0.25 mm、2.13±2.16 mm和0.011±0.002 g。综合以上结果,番石榴实蝇在室内继代饲养后随着继代饲养代数的增加,其种群会发生退化。 Effect of successive rearing on the main biological characteristics including the longevity, body length, wing width, head capsule of adult, size of egg and pupae ofBactrocera correcta were studied in the laboratory, results showed that longevity, body length, wing width, head capsule of adult, size of egg and the weight of 100 eggs of Bactrocera correcta decreased significantly after the 25 generations successive rearing. The body length, wing width and head capsule of the female adults decreased from 6.864±0.169 mm, 1.872±0.039 mm and 21.720±0.159 mm in the 5th generation to 5.999±0.620 mm, 1.690±0.162 mm and 10.801±0.705 mm in 25th generation, The body length, wing width and head capsule of the female adults decreased from 5.603±0.221, 20.727±0.279 and 2.774±0.066 mm in the 5th generation to 5.186±0.369, 10.390±0.939 and 1.636±0.134 mm in the 25th generation; the egg length decreased to 1.015±0.092 mm in the 25th generation from 1.087±0.072 mm in the 5th generation, the egg width decreased from 0.274±0.056 mm in the 5th generation to 0.139±0.056 mm in the 25generation, the weight of 100 eggs decreased to 0.002±0.0004 g in the 25th generation from 0.004±0.0001 g in the 5th generation. The pupae size decreased with the successive rearing in the laboratory, the pupae length, pupae width and weight decreased from 4.76±0.14 mm, 2.31±2.34 mm and 0.034±0.085 g in the 5th generation to 4.46±0.25 mm, 2.13±2.16 mm and 0.022±0.002 g in the 25th generation. So according to the comprehensive results of this study, the population of the Bactrocera correcta will decrease after with the increase of the successive rearing, and it decreased significantly by the 25th generation successive rearing in the laboratory.
出处 《植物检疫》 北大核心 2014年第3期13-17,共5页 Plant Quarantine
基金 云南省科技创新团队计划(2011HC005) 云南省高校科技创新团队支持计划资助(云教科[2011]14号) 国家质量监督检验检疫总局行业公益项目(201010042)
关键词 番石榴实蝇 继代饲养 生物学特征 种群退化 Bactrocera correcta successive rearing biological parameters population degeneration
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