教师对学生进行美育教育 ,提高学生的审美能力 ,重要的一点即侧重于对学生审美心理结构的培育和建设 ,它包括敏锐的感知力、丰富的想像力、丰富的内在情感以及透彻的理解力。这几种能力既各有特性又相互渗透和融合 ,共同构成审美心理结构的基本要素。审美能力的提高 ,得益于它们的共同构建和发展 ,当以上几种要素达到自由和谐状态时 ,审美愉悦就产生了。对审美能力的培育 ,既应注重对世界一般知识的教育 ,又要引导学生到自然、社会、艺术中去体验感知生命的运动形式 。
A major piont of aesthetic education of students in order to improving their aesthetic judgemnet is focused on cultivation and construction of their aethetic phychological structure.It includes sagacious perception, rich imagination and emotion and penetrating compreheasion.All these specific and infiltrating abilitics constitute the basic factors of aesthetic psychological structure,from which the advancement of aesthetic judgement benefits.When all the above factors come to a free state, aesthetic joy comes into being.The cultivation of aesthetic judgement should focus not only on the education of the general knowledge, but also on guiding students to observe and percept the forms of movement of life and various images of beauty.
Journal of Linyi Teachers' College