

Ergodic properties of infinite iterated function systems
摘要 研究了定义在完备的可分度量空间上具有概率的无限迭代函数系统的遍历性质,证明了该系统的惟一遍历性,推广了Elton的遍历定理。其证明初等简洁,不依赖于鞅论中的较为深刻的极限定理和Banach极限技术。 This study was designed to elucidate the ergodic properties of infinite iterated function systems with probabilities on complete separable metric space and prove the unique ergodicity for the system, which would further extend Elton's ergodic theorem. The proofs were simple and elementary and did not reply on the profound limit theorem on martingale theory as well as Banaeh limit techenique.
出处 《南昌大学学报(理科版)》 CAS 北大核心 2014年第2期112-115,共4页 Journal of Nanchang University(Natural Science)
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(11102102)
关键词 迭代函数系统 Markov—Feller算子 不变概率测度 遍历性 Iterated function systems Markov-Feller operator Invariant probability measures Ergodicity
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