
心理弹性与高校应届毕业生择业心理的关系 被引量:5

Relationship Between Resilience and Job Seeking Mentality Among University Graduates
摘要 以165名正在择业的高校应届毕业生为研究对象,探讨心理弹性与职业决策困难、应对方式和择业焦虑的关系。结果表明:(1)心理弹性显著正向预测积极应对方式,显著负向预测职业决策困难、消极应对方式和择业焦虑;(2)职业决策困难显著正向预测消极应对方式和择业焦虑,对积极应对方式的预测作用不显著;(3)职业决策困难在心理弹性和消极应对方式以及择业焦虑之间起部分中介作用。文章最后讨论了本研究的理论和实践意义。 This study explored the relationships between resilience, coping and job seeking anxiety, as well as the mediating role of career decision making difficulty. 165 graduate students from a large eastcoast city participated the present study. Structural equation modeling analysis revealed that resilience positively predicted active coping, while negatively predicted career decision making difficulty, negative coping and job seeking anxiety. Career decision making difficulty could positively predict negative coping and job seeking anxiety and could not predict active coping. Career decision making difficulty mediated the rela- tionship between resilience and negative coping as well as job seeking anxiety.
出处 《心理研究》 2014年第3期68-73,共6页 Psychological Research
关键词 心理弹性 职业决策困难 应对方式 择业焦虑 resilience career decision making difficulty coping style job seeking anxiety
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