

Immunofluorescence Detection of Transcription Elongation Factor P-TEFb,HEXIM1 and Brd4 in Mouse Gastric Glands
摘要 探讨了正性转录延伸因子b(P-TEFb)及其相关调节因子在小鼠胃中的表达情况及意义.以正常小鼠为材料,通过多聚甲醛固定并石蜡包埋,利用免疫荧光组织化学的方法检测小鼠胃中P-TEFb的2个主要组成部分细胞周期蛋白依赖性激酶9(CDK9)和细胞周期蛋白T1(CyclinT1)以及正向调控P-TEFb的募集因子Brd4、P-TEFb的活性抑制蛋白HEXIM1的表达状况.检测结果表明:CDK9和CyclinT1在鼠胃泌酸腺的所有细胞中均有较强的信号;HEXIM1在胃腺的中部和底部以及胃肌间神经丛内信号强烈;而Brd4在胃腺的底部信号强烈.上述成果为在胃泌酸腺中构建P-TEFb调节转录延伸的正常生理模型奠定了基础. In this study,the expression of positive transcription elongation factor b (P-TEFb) and its associated regulatory factors in mouse stomach was investigated.The mouse gastric tissue was fixed by paraformaldehyde,embedded with paraffin, and analyzed by immunofluorescence assay.The results showed that CDK9 and CyclinT1 ,two subunits of P-TEFb,were highly expressed in all cells of gastric glands. HEXIM1,a negative regulator for P-TEFb, was strongly expressed in cells located at the bottom of gastric gland and myenteric plexus.Brd4,a positive regulator for P-TEFb's recruitment to the promoter region to activate gene transcription, was strongly expressed in cells at the bottom of gastric gland. These observations laid a foundation for the study of P-TEFb modulated gene expression in a normal tissue.
出处 《厦门大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第3期443-446,共4页 Journal of Xiamen University:Natural Science
基金 国家自然科学基金(81070307) 福建省自然科学基金(2010J01231)
关键词 胃泌酸腺 P—TEFb HEXIM1 Brd4 gastric gland P-TEFb HEXIM1 Brd4
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