

On the Ecological Concepts in Jonathan Weiner's The Beak of the Finch
摘要 乔纳森·韦纳是美国当代著名的科学散文作家,其《雀鸟之喙》蕴含着丰富的生态意识,是一部优秀的绿色科学散文作品。它展演了进化生态学的基本理念,捍卫了达尔文的进化论,重新消解了人类中心主义;揭示了人类对进化生态知识的无知和滥用的严重后果,批判人类对大自然的僭越行为;彰显了进化生态学者生态意识的"进化",引领大众呵护生态环境及人类"进化过程的伙伴"。这些生态意蕴对我国的生态文明建设具有重要启示意义:我们既要充分肯定科学技术对人类认识自然规律和保护生态环境的积极作用,又要坚决杜绝滥用科技和人类能力的行为。 Jonathan Weiner is a renowned American science writer , and his The Beak of the Finch, embodying abundant ecological consciousness , is an excellent work of green science writing .By representing the basic ideas of evolutionary ecology , the work defends Darwin ’ s theory of evolution , decomposing anthropocentrism once more;it reveals the severe consequences of both the ignorance of and the abuse of the knowledge of evolutionary ecology , and criticizes the transgressions of nature by humans;it highlights the“evolution” of the ecological consciousness of evolutionary ecologists , leading the public to cherish the ecological environment and “the partners in the evolutionary process”.All those concepts have significant implications to China ’ s current efforts to promote ecological progress: on the one hand , we ought to affirm fully the positive roles of science and technology in humans ’ understanding of natural laws and protection of ecological environment;on the other hand , we ought to eradicate completely the abuses of the power of humans as well as of science and technology .
作者 张建国
出处 《浙江师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 北大核心 2014年第3期57-62,共6页 Journal of Zhejiang Normal University(Social Sciences)
基金 国家社会科学基金项目"美国当代科学散文的生态批评"(13BWW046)
关键词 乔纳森· 韦纳 《雀鸟之喙》 科学散文 生态意蕴 Jonathan Weiner The Beak of the Finch science writing ecological concepts
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