

A Survey on the Impact of Topic Shift and Question Preview on Listening and their Relationship
摘要 通过对济南大学信息科技与工程学院2011级计算机专业2班的21名大二学生的课堂测试和问卷、访谈调查,研究了话题转换和问题预览对听力的影响以及二者之间的关系。研究表明:问题预览和话题转换均对听力理解有影响;话题转换也会影响问题预览的效果,同时中等英语听力水平学习者对长篇文章中具体信息的获取仍相对困难。基于此,此次调查为听力教师提出两条建议:将问题预览这一听前任务支持型活动作为一项重要的技能教授;实时结合学习者的实际学习情况和态度,动态安排授课内容和形式。 Through a classroom - based experiment, questionnaire and interview research for 21 sopho- mores of grade 2011 in the Institute of Science Technology and Engineering in Jinan University, the study focu- ses on the impact of topic shift and question preview on listening and their relationship. The results show that both question preview and topic shift have an impact on listening comprehension;and topic shifts also affect the effect of question preview ; at the same time, it is still difficult for learners with English intermediate - listening -level to catch specific information while listening to long passages. Accordingly, two pieces of suggestions were proposed for teachers:Teachers should regard question preview as an important skill to teach. Teachers should arrange the teaching contents and methods dynamically according to learners'practical learning state and their attitudes.
作者 周丽娜 王颖
出处 《西安石油大学学报(社会科学版)》 2014年第3期106-112,共7页 Journal of Xi’an Shiyou University:Social Science Edition
关键词 话题转换 问题预览 中等英语听力水平 任务支持型活动 topic shift question preview English intermediate - listening - level task - supported activities
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