本文针对常规蛋白质检测法分析速度慢、难以实现在线自动检测的缺陷 ,建立起了一种新颖、简便、快速的分析方法 ,实现了 Lowry试剂—Folin试剂体系、双通道流路的蛋白质快速流动注射分光光度分析法。本文进行了方法精密度、线性回归、检测限等可行性参数的测定和干扰试验 ,并将该方法应用于皮革分析上。本方法测得的蛋白质含量与双缩脲法分析的结果较为一致。试验结果表明 ,本方法的线性好、分析速度快、精密度高、检测限低、节省人力物力 ,可应用于皮革分析检验 ,为皮革工业的科研和生产提供可靠的依据。
A novel, simple and fast flow injection spectrophotometry analytical system was applied here to determine protein. The system was based on Lowry method. Conditions of flow injection analysis (FIA) were studied in detail. The results of precision test, recovery test etc. had proved the system was feasible. Test results for BSA by this system were in close agreement with those obtained from biuret method. Experiments showed that the system was supplied with such characteristics as excellent linear relationship, high sensitivity and reagents saving. The system can be applied to leather industrial analysis.
China Leather