
大尺寸密闭空间内甲烷—空气混合过程的数值模拟 被引量:1

Numerical Simulation of the Mixing Process of Methane and Air in Large Scale Confined Spaces
摘要 根据10 m3多功能步入式爆炸罐的结构特点,依据进气—混气一体化的设计理念,建立了适用于10 m3爆炸罐的轴对称直管式进气—混气系统,并利用计算流体力学软件FLUENT,对进气—混气系统的具体设计参数进行了优化。通过模拟得到了直管上不同开孔孔径、开孔间距条件下小孔体积流量率的变化规律,发现减小整体开孔孔径、减小开孔间距、调整个别小孔大小能够提高小孔体积流量率的一致性,达到气体快速均匀混合的效果。 An axisymmetric straight tubes gas intake-mixing system was designed according to both the characteristics of a 10m3 versatile stepping explosion vessel and the air-gas intake-mixing integrated design philosophy. FLUENT, the software of computational fluid dynamics,was used to optimize specific design parameters of the gas intake-mixing system. The variation of the hole volumetric flow rate of gas pipe under different pore openings and hole spacing is obtained,showing that reducing the overall pore openings and hole spacing and adjusting the size of the individual holes can improve the consistency of hole volumetric flow rate. By this means,rapid,efficient and uniform gas mixing can be achieved.
出处 《爆破器材》 CAS 北大核心 2014年第2期5-9,共5页 Explosive Materials
基金 中国博士后科学基金(2013M530535)
关键词 爆炸罐 大尺寸密闭空间 混气系统 数值模拟 explosion vessel large scale confined spaces gas mixing system numerical simulation
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