
运动与瘦素的研究进展 被引量:4

Research Progress in Sport and Leptin
摘要 瘦素(leptin)是脂肪组织分泌的一种蛋白质类激素,主要作用在下丘脑,具有调节体脂代谢、能量平衡等功能,瘦素水平的高低对肥胖、2-型糖尿病等疾病起到调节作用。血清瘦素可通过血脑屏障与下丘脑的瘦素受体结合,激活JAK2-STAT3等信号转导通路,进而改变中枢神经系统中一系列神经肽的表达。通过收集大量近年来关于不同运动形式、运动强度、运动时间等情况对血浆瘦素水平影响的文献,总结分析出一次性运动、非一次性运动对血浆瘦素水平和能量代谢的影响,以及目前研究存在的问题,加深对瘦素功能和机理的分子水平认知,并展望了今后的研究前景。 Leptin is a protein hormone secreted by adipose tissue, which can regulate body fat metabolism, energy balance and have other functions. Leptin mainly make effect in the hypothalamus and the level of it play a regu-latory role in obese,2 -diabetes and other diseases. Ser-um leptin bind leptin receptor through the blood brain barrier in hypothalamic and activate the JAK2 -STAT3 signaling pathway and etc,and then change a series of ex-pression of neuropeptides in the central nervous system. We collected a lot of literatures about different forms of exercise intensity, exercise time and other circumstances influence on plasma leptin levels in recent years. We ana-lyzed one-time exercise, non-disposable exercise effect of plasma leptin levels,energy metabolism and the problems existing in the current study, deepen the the molecular levels cognitive of leptin function and mechanisms, and made an outlook on future research prospects.
作者 甄静 张蕴琨
机构地区 南京体育学院
出处 《南京体育学院学报(自然科学版)》 2014年第2期46-51,61,共7页 Joournal of Nanjing Institute of Physical Education:Natural Science
基金 江苏省科技厅基础研究计划(自然科学基金)(编号:BK2011863) 江苏省教育厅普通高校研究生科研创新计划项目(省立省助)(编号:CXZ212-0639)
关键词 运动 能量平衡 瘦素 sport energy balance leptin
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