

Comment on Mayr's autonomy theory of biology
摘要 迈尔讨论了生物学自主性的确切内涵,提出生物学是独立于物理学的学科。生物学自主性的渊源是机械论与活力论之间的冲突和争论。通过批评物理主义的本质论、还原论和决定论等错误,迈尔确立了生物学自主论,主张要扩大科学统一的基础。迈尔思想的精神实质是生物学整体论。 Mayr had discussed the exact meaning the autonomy of biology and held that biology is independent ofphysics. Mayr criticized many errors such as naturalism、reductionism and determinism of the physicalism and tried toestablish autonomy of biology, and proposed to expand the scientific basis for scientific unity. Biological autonomyorigins from the conflict of the mechanical theory and dynamic theory .The spiritual essence of Mayr’s thought is thewhole-organism biology.
作者 李才华 韩啸
出处 《中南大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2014年第2期51-56,共6页 Journal of Central South University:Social Sciences
基金 教育部人文社科规划项目(12YJA720012) 国家社科基金项目(13BZX034)
关键词 迈尔 生物学自主性 生物学哲学 活力论 整体生物学 Mayr autonomy of biology philosophy of biology scientific unity the whole biology
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