Objective: To summarize the experience of 3D laparoscopic surgery in reconstruction of the upper u- rinary tract and to exert the advantage of 3D laparoscopic technology. Method: We analysed the clinical data and surgical methods of 12 cases of upper urinary tract reconstruction with 3D laparoscopic surgery in our hospital from 2013 March to August. There were nine case of ureteropelvic junction obstruction (UPJO), five males and four females. The average age of these nine cases was 19 (range, 9-36) years, and six patients were found in the left and three in the right. Another three cases were found lower ureteral obstruction who were sterile females. The average age of these three cases was 24 (range, 22-27) years, and two of them were found in the left and one in the right. Nine cases of UPJO underwent 3D laparoscopic approach of Anderson-Hynes pyeloplasty. The rest three cases of lower ureteral obstruction underwent 3D laparoscpic ureteral reimplantation. Result: All patients re- ceived retroperitoneal approach of 3D laparoscopic surgery. The mean operative time of Anderson-Hynes pyelo- plasty was 135 rains and ureteral reimplantation was 95 rains. Hydronephrosis of all cases relieved after double-J tubes were removed. Conclusion.. 3D laparoscopic technique can reduce the difficulty of operation and increase preci- sion of surgery because of its high-definition three-dimensional vision. It is in line with our national conditions and worthy of promotion for no extra expense is needed.
Journal of Clinical Urology
laparoscopic surgery
three-dimensional imaging
reconstruction of the upper urinary tract
sur- gical treatment