
基于Floyd算法的供应链网络路径研究 被引量:1

Supply Chain Network Path Based On Floyd Algorithm Research
摘要 21世纪的竞争不是企业与企业之间的竞争,而是供应链之间的竞争。运输系统是供应链中一个重要的子系统,运输路径的选择是否合理直接影响供应链的运作成本、速度和效益。文中考虑在拉动式生产的背景下,当销售商提出需求订单的时候,最快的选择相应的制造商和配送中心,使得供应链的总运输成本最小化的问题,利用floyd算法研究三级供应链的运作模式,理论证明其可行性,并通过算例分析验证了此优化算法使得供应链运输成本最小化。 Competition in the 21st century is not the competition between enterprises and enterprises,but the competition between supply chains.Transportation system is an important subsystem in the supply chain,transportation route choice is reasonable direct impact on the performance of a supply chain cost,speed and efficiency.Considered in this paper under the background of pull production,when the seller put forward demand order,select the manufacturer and distribution center of the fastest,minimize the total transportation costs of the supply chain problems,Floyd algorithm was used to study the three levels of the supply chain operation model and theory to prove its feasibility,and the optimization algorithm is verified by an example analysis makes the supply chain to minimize transportation costs.
作者 楼振凯
出处 《物流工程与管理》 2014年第5期127-128,114,共3页 Logistics Engineering and Management
关键词 拉动式生产 运输成本 FLOYD算法 三级供应链 pull production transportation cost floyd algorithm three-level supply chain
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