
基于Ecotect-GRA模型的建筑方案综合优选 被引量:6

Integrated Optimization of Building Scheme Based on Ecotect-GRA Model
摘要 分析了建筑方案设计与性能评价的关系和存在的问题,以提高建筑决策设计质量、提升建筑综合性能为目的,基于建筑性能计算机模拟技术和灰色关联度决策方法,提取建筑决策设计影响因素和产品性能评价目标,建立了Ecotect-GRA建筑决策设计方案综合优选模型,并通过实例验证了该方法进行建筑方案决策设计的有效性。 The relation and existing problems between the building scheme design and the comprehensive performance assessment were discussed. In order to improve the quality of the scheme design and the comprehensive performance of the building, this paper extracted the design influence factors and the indices of the building functions during the scheme design period firstly. Furthermore, based on the simulation technique of the building performance and the decision - making method, GRA - Grey relational analysis method, the Ecotect - GRA model was developed to optimize or select the best design scheme. The optimization model was tested by a case study to indicate its validity and reasonability.
出处 《武汉理工大学学报(信息与管理工程版)》 CAS 2014年第3期401-405,共5页 Journal of Wuhan University of Technology:Information & Management Engineering
基金 江苏省住房与城乡建设厅科研基金资助项目(js2011jh9)
关键词 ECOTECT GRA(灰色关联度) 方案决策设计 综合优选 ECOTECT GRA scheme design integrated optimization
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