根据2010年原铁道部"铁运[2010]78号"和郑州铁路局"郑铁房[2010]140号"文件要求,郑州铁路局委托河南省遥感测绘院承担其管辖的陇海线、焦柳线、宁西线、侯月线、洛宜线、孟宝线等线路的铁路用地图绘制,主要成果有1∶2 000车站、区间、独立地块铁路用地图绘制及数据库建设。本文通过对铁路用地图绘制关键技术的研究与总结,为开展此类项目积累经验。
According to the requirements of document "TY [ 2010 ] No. 78" of the former Railway Ministry and " ZTF [ 2010 ] No. 140" of Zhengzhou Railway Administration, Henan Remote Institute of Sensing, Surveying and Mapping is in charge of land mapping of Longhai Line, Ningxi line, Hou line, Luo Yi lines, Meng Po lines etc, which is commissioned by Zhengzhou Railway Administration. The main results contain 1 : 2 000 railway land mapping and database construction of stations, zone, and independent plots. This paper researched and summarized key technologies of railway land mapping, aimed to accumulate experience for carrying out such pro- jects.
Geomatics & Spatial Information Technology