
基于自我效能理论探讨社区医生在慢性病预防与康复中的作用 被引量:7

How to Complete Chronic Disease Prevention and Rehabilitation Using Self-efficacy Theory for Community Doctors
摘要 现阶段我国社区医疗建设尚属起步阶段,大量社区医生面对新生事物无法快速进入角色,同时社会老龄化进程又使得众多慢性病患者的预防和康复工作进展缓慢。自我效能理论作为一种心理学和社会学的理论,能够较好地指导和帮助社区医生完成对社区慢性病人群的管理。对社区医生运用自我效能理论在慢性病预防与康复方面的作用进行分析探讨。 Community health construction is still in its infancy at present in our country.A large number of com-munity doctors cannot enter the role when facing new things quickly.At the same time,the social aging process make the progress of chronic diseases prevention and rehabilitation slowly with a large number of patients.As a psychology and sociology theory,self-efficacy theory can preferably guide and help the community doctor complete the management of community habitants with chronic diseases.This paper tends to investigate the role of self-efficacy theory in chronic disease prevention and rehabilitation for the community doctors.
出处 《中国社会医学杂志》 2014年第3期174-176,共3页 Chinese Journal of Social Medicine
基金 河北省保定市科学技术研究与发展计划项目(ZF093)
关键词 社区医生 自我效能理论 慢性病预防 Community doctor Self-efficacy theory Chronic disease prevention
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