目的 探讨防止手术切口所致皮肤瘢痕形成的方法。方法 对 10例足月妊娠行剖宫产术者的皮肤切口设计为在表皮层内潜行切入 ,厚约由 0 .2mm渐至 0 .4mm ,使其成为宽 10~ 15mm书页状的皮页 ,将之掀起暴露深层真皮 ,由此再垂直切入进入皮下。术毕常规缝合皮下组织后 ,以 5 - 0可吸收缝线连续缝合真皮切口 ,再将皮页覆盖其上。结果 术后 5个月随访时 ,全部皮页均健康存活 ,无皮肤手术瘢痕形成。对照组 10例垂直切口均形成皮肤手术瘢痕。结论 初步认为 。
Objective To study an effective operating method for preventing the formation of skin scar caused by operating incision.Methods The specially designed dermatotomy named“skin page”was used in cesarean section of ten women with full term pregnancies to evaluate its value in preventing the formation of scar in the skin incision,while another ten women with full term pregnancies assigned as control group were received traditional skin incisions in cesarean sections.The “skin page”was made by cutting into the cuticular layer with the thickness from 0.2mm to 0.4mm gradually and the width of 10~15mm.Results Twenty cases had been attended for at least five months after their cesarean sections,all the“skin pages”were healthy,there was no skin scar showed on the “skin pages”,while all the cases of the control group showed scars in their skin incisions.Conclusions The dermatotomy of “skin page” may be an effective and practical method for preventing the formation of skin scar in patient’s skin incision.
Qianwei Journal of Medicine & Pharmacy
Skin scar Dermatotomy Cesarean section