目的 评价苯那普利的降压作用及其对高血压伴心功能不全的疗效。方法 选取 89例应用其它抗高血压药物疗效不佳的原发性高血压患者 ,其中 31例合并心功能不全。给予苯那普利 ,剂量10~ 2 0mg/d ,治疗 4周 ,治疗前后监测血压、心率、心电图。结果 苯那普利降压总有效率为 94% ;对高血压伴心功能不全者 ,其心功能不全改善的有效率为 87%。结论 苯那普利降压疗效可靠、安全 。
Objective To assess antihypertension effects of benazepril and its respones for hypertension associated with heart dysfunction.Methods Authors selected 89 patients with primary hypertension,who were poor responsed to anti hypertension drugs,and of which 31 patients complicated heart dysfunction,given the patients benazepril with dosage of 10~20mg/d,for 4 weeks.Before and after the treatment blood pressure,heart rate and ECG were monitored.Results Total effective rate of anti hypertension of this drug was 94%,for the patients complicated heart insufficiency its improvement rate was 87%.Conclusion Benazepril has reliable and safe potency,and can improve symptoms of heart insufficiency.
Qianwei Journal of Medicine & Pharmacy