目的 :探讨柯萨奇B3 病毒感染引起多脏器功能损害的病理基础。方法 :4~ 6周龄健康雄性BALB/c小鼠 2 0只 ,腹腔注射 10 9TCID50 的柯萨奇B3 组病毒 (CVB3 )液 0 .12ml,10d后处死小鼠 ,分别摘取心脏、肝脏和肺标本 ,制成病理切片 ,光镜及电镜下观察其病理变化。结果 :心脏出现病理改变小鼠 17例 ,其中 2例出现多脏器损害 ,占小鼠总数的 10 %。结论 :柯萨奇B3 病毒感染可引起多脏器损害 ,在临床工作中对重症病毒性心肌炎患儿应注意其多脏器损害 。
Objective To study the pathological changes of multiple organ function damage caused by coxsakie virus B 3 (CVB 3).Methods 20 healthy male BALB/C mice of 4~6 week old were injected with 0.12?ml 10 9 TCID 50 CVB 3 virus li^quid into abdomen.The mice were killed 10 days later.The heart,live and lung were made into pathological section and pathological changes were observed through light microscope and electrotelescope.Result 17 mice had pathological change in heart and 2 of them had multiple organ damage (10%).Conclusion CVB 3 infection may cause multiple organ damage,so the multiple organ damage in severe viral myocarditis should be paid attention to so as to improve the curability and livability.
Journal of Nanjing Railway Medical College