1.Rare earth price index changes The Association of China Rare Earth Industry has introduced Rare Earth Price Index(REPI)system to assess rare earth market.The system adopts sales volume and dealing price of 18kinds of rare earth oxides.The year 2010 is regarded as the base period and the base price index of rare earth is 100.Chart 1 shows
1. Rare earth price index changes
The Association of China Rare Earth Industry has introduced Rare Earth Price Index (REPI) system to assess rare earth market. The system adopts sales volume and dealing price of 18 kinds of rare earth oxides. The year 2010 is regarded as the base period and the base price index of rare earth is 100. Chart 1 shows the tendency of rare earth price index during 2013. In early 2013, price index of rare earth was 205. It dropped continuously in the first half year,