目的 :探讨益智中药对免疫功能的调节作用 ,为防治AD药物研制打下基础。方法 :选择SAM -P/10老化痴呆鼠 5 6只治疗后观察其脾细胞IL - 6水平及中药醒脑益智方对其影响。结果 :SAM -P/10老化痴呆鼠在 9月龄对其脾细胞IL - 6水平升高与SAM -R/1系同龄正常老化鼠相比有非常显著差异 (P <0 0 1) ,醒脑益智方预防方、1号方、2号方都能调节或抑制白介素 - 6水平与空白组比较有显著差异。结论 :各组中药对免疫的调节作用依次为预防方 >醒脑益智方 >醒脑益智 2号方。说明了醒脑益智方有较好的免疫调节作用及积极的预防意义。
Objective:To explore the immune regulation effect of yizhi Chinese herbs,p rovide basis for searching effective drugs to teat AD. Method:56 mouse with AD were as the observation samples, to observe the influenc e of xingnaoyizhi preseription on IL-6 of spleen cell. Results:There were sinificantly difference between SAM-P/10 senile mouse with AD at 9 months old and SAM-R/1 normal mouse at the same age on the increasing of I L -6 in spleen-cell(P<0 01), Xingnaoyizhi prescription could regulate or inh ibit the IL-6 level there was siginificant difference between the prescription and control. Conclusion:Xingnaoyizhi prescription could regulate immunological function and actively prevent the imbalance.
Chinese Journal of Traditional Medical Science and Technology