
多层计算机断层扫描(MDCT)在胆囊癌诊断和分期中的作用 被引量:2

Role of multidetector computed tomography(MDCT) in diagnosis and staging of gall bladder carcinoma
摘要 目的研究多层计算机断层扫描在对胆管癌诊断和分期中的作用。方法该项研究包括2011年7月-2012年5月通过MDCT被诊断为胆管癌,并通过病理学诊断确定为胆管癌的25例患者。所有患者都是经过超声后进行三相检测技术进行多层计算机断层扫描。结果所有患者经过多层计算机断层扫描放射诊断为胆管癌。其中,有浸润肿块形15例,占60%;腔内息肉状肿块9例,占36%,其中1例病人具有胆囊壁增厚。结论多层计算机断层扫描是胆囊癌诊断和分期的首选工具。 [ Objective ] To study the role of muhidetector computed tomography in the diagnosis and staging of gall bladder carcinoma. [ Methods ] This study included twenty-five patients presented to us during the period from June 2011 till May 2012 and were diagnosed radiologicaliy by mnhidetector computed tomography as carcinoma of the gall bladder and the diagnosis was confirmed histopathologically. All the patients were subjected to ultrasonogra- phy followed by muhidetector computed tomographic imaging using triphasic examination technique. [ Results ] All the patients were radiologically diagnosed as gall bladder carcinoma based on the multidetector computed tomograph- ic findings. Infiltrating masses were detected in fifteen patients (60%), intraluminal polypoidal masses were detected in nine patients (36%) while one patient (4%) presented with mural thickening of the gall bladder wall. [ Conclu- sion ] The muhidetector CT is the diagnostic tool of choice in the detection and staging of gall bladder carcinoma.
作者 梁朝晖
出处 《中国现代医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第13期94-96,共3页 China Journal of Modern Medicine
关键词 多层计算机断层扫描 胆囊癌 诊断 分期 multidetector computed tomography gallbladder carcinoma diagnosis staging
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