[目的]探讨不同物质对唐菖蒲继代培养试管苗芽增殖的影响。[方法]在唐菖蒲试管苗芽增殖过程中,添加不同植物生长调节剂、碳源、活性炭,考察不同物质对芽增殖影响。[结果]浓度0.5 mg/L奈乙酸与浓度1.0 mg/L的6-苄基腺嘌呤植物生长调节剂组合下,苗增殖效果好而且苗较壮,增殖倍数为5。0.2%的活性炭,在30 d内有利于试管苗株高的增加,但对芽的诱导无明显作用。[结论]用50 g/L市售白糖代替40 g/L纯蔗糖作为培养基的碳源是可行的,这样降低了配制培养基的成本,而且对试管苗的增殖和质量无影响。
[Objective] To discuss effects of different materials on subculture plantlet bud proliferation of Gladiolus gandavensis.[Method]Adding different plant growth regulator,carbon source,active carbon in proliferation process of G.gandavensis tube seedlings,effects on bud proliferation were investigated.[Result] The proliferation effect is good andseedlings are strong under the plant growth regulators of 0.5 mg/L NAA and 1.0 mg/L 6-benzyladenine,the proliferation times is 5.0.2% active carbon is conductive for plant growth of tube seedlings,but it has no obvious effect on induction of bud.[Conclusion] 50 g/L sugar takes place of 40 g/L pure sucrose as carbon source of culture medium is feasible,which can reduce cost and have no effects on proliferation and quality of tube seedlings.
Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences