[目的]比较不同龙葵果提取物的抗氧化活性,同时测定其活性成分。[方法]用浓度60%乙醇浸提龙葵果,获得粗提物,减压蒸馏后分别用正丁醇、乙酸乙酯、氯仿3种溶剂萃取,采用DPPH·、·OH,O2-·清除法对各提取物的抗氧化作用进行评价,并与浓度60%乙醇粗提物溶液进行比较;分别测定4种龙葵果提取物中酚酸、黄酮、原花青素和花色苷的含量。[结果]浓度60%乙醇粗提物对DPPH·和·OH的清除效果最好,清除率分别为(68.45%±2.68%)和(49.12%±2.26%);乙酸乙酯萃取物对O2-·的清除率最大为(79.64%±5.16%)。浓度60%乙醇粗提物中花色苷浓度为3.65 mg/ml,而乙酸乙酯萃取物中含有高浓度黄酮,浓度为3.42 mg/ml。[结论]龙葵果提取物中起主要抗氧化作用的是花色苷和黄酮。
[Objective] The antioxidant activity of the different extracts from Solanum nigrum L.berries was compared and the active ingredients were determined.[Method] The Solanum nigrum L.berries were extracted by 60% ethanol.Then 60% ethanol extracts were extracted by n-butanol,ethyl acetate and chloroform,respectively.DPPH free radicals,hydroxyl free radicals and superoxide radicals scavenging assays were investigated.In order to determine phenolic acid,flavonoids,proanthocyanidin and anthocyanins,the method of gallic acid,rutin colorimetric,hydrochloric acid-vanillin and pH-differential spectrophotometry were applied in this work.[Results] Ethanol extract had the highest DPPH free radicals and hydroxyl free radicals scavenging activity (scavenging activities of 68.45%-± 2.68% and 49.12 ±-2.26%,respectively).The ethyl acetate extracts had the highest superoxide radicals scavenging activity (79.64% ± 5.16%).Ethyl acetate extract contained the highest concentration of flavonoids,while 60% ethanol extract contained the highest concentration of anthocyanins.[Conclusion] This showed that anthocyanins and flavonoids had a positive effect against oxidative.
Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences