

Estimation and Characteristics Analysis of Haihe Rive Biomass Based on CASA Model
摘要 生物量估算研究有助于寻找陆地植被从大气中固定碳的数量及影响其时空分布的驱动因子,在此基于CASA(Carnegie AmesStanford Approach)模型,结合遥感数据和匹配的温度、降水、太阳辐射资料以及全国1∶400万植被图,估算海河流域2002 ~ 2007年的生物量,并以2007年为例分析了不同植被类型、不同植被覆盖度的生物量差异以及生物量随季节变化特征和空间分布.结果表明,CASA模型适用于海河流域生物量研究;6年来,海河流域年均生物量总量为405.5 Tg;海河流域的年生物量分布呈东南高西北低的趋势,平原生物量>山区生物量>高原生物量. The research of biomass estimation will help in understanding the amount of carbon fixed by terrestrial vegetation and its influencing factors.Using CASA model,combined with remote sensing image,temperature,precipitation,solar radiation with matches and 1∶4 000 000 vegetation mapping,the Haihe River biomass (2002-2007) was estimated.The biomass variation of different vegetation types and vegetation cover was analyzed,meanwhile,spatial distribution and characteristics was analyzed as the seasons change.The results validate the CASA's applicability in Haihe River; during the past 6 years,the average biomass is 405.5 Tg; the total annual biomass in the Haihe River watershed appears an overall trend of high in southeast and low in northwest,plain biomass 〉 mountains biomass 〉 plateau biomass.
作者 王岚 陈雪洋
出处 《安徽农业科学》 CAS 2014年第19期6346-6349,共4页 Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences
关键词 生物量 CASA模型 海河流域 变化特征 Biomass CASA model Haihe River Variation characteristics
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