手机 PL MN搜索算法用于查找当前可探知的 PL MN网络。它的性能将直接影响到后续的PL MN网络选择的效率。提出了一种用于 TSM的 PL MN最佳搜索算法。为阐述方便 ,文章首先简要介绍了 TSM协议 ,PL MN选择和 TD- SCDMA物理层的一些相关的知识。
PLMN search algorithm is used to detect the current existing PLMNs during the PLMN selection process. The quality of algorithm would largely affect the efficiency of PLMN selection. An optimum PLMN search algorithm, which is designed for TSM, is suggested in this paper. At the same time, the article gives a concise introduction to TSM, TD-SCDMA and PLMN selection.
Journal of Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications(Natural Sciences Edition)