
中国大学生自闭特征在共情和系统化上的差异 被引量:11

Differences of Empathizing and Systemizing in Chinese College Students with Autistic Traits
摘要 目的:在中国环境下对共情-系统化理论进行验证以及探索自闭特征和共情、系统化的关系。方法:以1858名大学生为对象,使用自闭谱系量表(Autism Spectrum Quotient,AQ)、共情量表(Empathy Quotient,EQ)和系统化量表(Systemizing Quotient,SQ)测查自闭特征水平、共情和系统化能力。结果:①自闭特征的性别分布具有跨文化的一致性,高自闭特征在男性群体中更常见;②脑类型划分显示,女性主要为E类型,共情能力优于男性,男性主要为S类型,系统化能力优于女性;③共情和系统化量表得分相关较弱(r=0.082,P<0.05),二者相互补偿和竞争关系的假设有待进一步验证;④以自闭谱系量表得分上下27%为界分为高低自闭特征组,高自闭特征组的共情得分低于低闭特征组而系统化得分高于低自闭特征组。结论:共情-系统化理论在中国文化环境下得到验证,不同自闭特征水平对共情和系统化能力有影响。 Objective To explore the relationship between autistic traits, empathizing and systemizing in Chinese col-lege students. Methods: 1858 college students were recruited to complete Autism Spectrum Quotient(AQ), Empathy Quo-tient(EQ) and Systemizing Quotient(SQ). Results: ①Males had a higher level of autistic traits than females. ②Results ofBrain Type analysis showed that females mainly belonged to the Type E with a better capacity of empathizing than males,while males mainly belonged to Type S with a better capacity of systemizing than females. ③The correlation between empa-thizing and systemizing was weak but significant(r=0.082, P〈0.05), indicating that the complicated association with compen-sation and competition between empathizing and systemizing need further exploration. ④The subjects was assigned into twogroups based on their scores in the AQ, group comparison showed that subjects with a high level of autistic traits(higherthan 27%) had a higher score in SQ and a lower score in EQ than subjects with a low level of autistic traits(lower than 27%).Conclusion: Our findings suggest that different levels of autistic traits have different impacts on empathizing and systemizing in Chinese college students.
出处 《中国临床心理学杂志》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2014年第3期462-465,489,共5页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology
基金 首都医科大学精神疾病诊断与治疗北京市重点实验室开放课题(2014JSJB02)
关键词 自闭谱系障碍 自闭特征 共情 系统化 Autism spectrum disorder Autistic traits Empathizing Systemizing
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