
顾客攻击行为、情绪耗竭与离职意向的关系 被引量:3

Relationship between Customer Aggression Behaviors,Emotional Exhaustion and Turnover Intention
摘要 目的:考察顾客攻击行为、情绪耗竭与离职意向的关系。方法:采用顾客攻击行为问卷、情绪耗竭问卷与离职意向问卷对452名被试进行施测。结果:①顾客攻击行为的有意阻扰、隐性攻击与显示敌意维度与情绪耗竭的相关显著(P<0.05),有意阻扰、显示敌意与离职意向的相关显著(P<0.05)。②有意阻扰和显示敌意能够显著的预测个体的情绪耗竭(P<0.01),隐性攻击和显示敌意能够显著的预测个体的离职意向(P<0.05)。③情绪耗竭能够完全中介显示敌意对于离职意向的预测作用。结论:顾客攻击行为是导致情绪耗竭的重要原因,并通过情绪耗竭影响个体的离职意向,应采取有效措施预防顾客攻击行为的发生,提高员工的工作满意度。 Objective To explore the relationship between customer aggression behaviors, emotional exhaustion andturnover intention. Methods: Customer Aggression Behaviors Questionnaire, Emotional Exhaustion Questionnaire andTurnover Intention Scale were administered to 452 subjects. Results: ①The correlations among obstructionism, covert ag-gression, expressions of hostility and emotional exhaustion were significant (P〈0.05), and the correlation among obstruction-ism, expressions of hostility and turnover intention were significant (P〈0.05). ②Obstructionism and expressions of hostilityshowed a significant predictive effects on the emotional exhaustion (P〈0.01), and covert aggression and expressions of hostility on turnover intention (P〈0.01). ③Emotional exhaustion played a complete mediating role between expressions of hos-tility and turnover intention. Gonclusion: Customer aggression behaviors may lead to individuals' emotional exhaustion,which may further causes turnover intention.
出处 《中国临床心理学杂志》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2014年第3期540-542,共3页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology
基金 河南省高校科技创新人才(人文社科类)资助项目 教社科[2013]404号
关键词 顾客攻击行为 情绪耗竭 离职意向 Customer aggression behaviors Emotional exhaustion Turnover intention
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