Q/SY DQ0804-2002《采油岗位技能操作程序及要求》中规定抽油机井平衡率应达到85%以上;皮带上好后,皮带下按不超过二指为松紧适合;加完盘根后,应不渗不漏,光杆不发热.该标准定性给出了—个参考范围,没有定量给出具体参数,无法作为能耗节点控制参数标准执行使用.通过应用CDY-IA型抽油机井电机多参数测试仪,现场测试不同生产状况抽油机井在不同平衡率、皮带张紧力和盘根松紧度工作状态下的能耗值,对试验数据回归分析,确定出抽油机井最佳能耗调整范围平衡率在90%~100%之间;皮带张紧力在15~20N之间;盘根松紧度力矩值小于60N·m.研制了皮带和盘根松紧度测试仪,实现了皮带张紧力和盘根松紧度定量管理.经现场应用和效果评价,节电率达11.66%,取得了较好的经济效益.
In Q/SY DQ0804-2002 "the Oil Production Job Qualification Operating Procedures and Requirements", it is stipulated that the equilibrium rate of pumping wells should reach to above 85%; the belt should be tightened appropriately; the packing should be impermeable after being set and the rod temperature should not be risen. The criterion could not be used as energy consumption node control parameters, because it only qualitatively gives a reference range instead of quantitative parameter values. The energy consumption of pumping wells under different equilibrium rates, different belt tension and different packing tightness degree is mea- sured by using the multi-parameter motor tester for CDY-IA pumping unit, and through regression analysis of the test data, it is gained that the energy consumption of the pumping unit is optimal when the equilibrium rate is in the range of 90%-100%, the belt tension is in the range of 15~20N, and the packing tension moment is less than 60N'm. The development of the tester for beh tension and packing tightness degree implements the quantitative management of belt and packing tension. Field application of the tester and its effect evaluation show that the power saving rate reaches to 11.66%, and a good economic benefit is achieved.
Technology Supervision in Petroleum Industry
pumping well
daily management
energy consumption node