

Lime pretreatment optimization of Pennisetum purpureum×P. americanum cv. Reyan No. 4 for ethanol production
摘要 【目的】提高‘热研4号’王草Pennisetum purpureum×P.americanum cv.Reyan No.4生产乙醇的转化率.【方法】采用石灰进行预处理,对时间、温度、石灰用量、固液比4个因素进行单因素和正交优化试验分析.【结果和结论】最优预处理条件为:时间3 h,温度125℃,原料的石灰用量0.15 g·g-1,固液比(m∶V)1∶12(g·mL-1).此时‘热研4号’王草的干基失质量率、木质素移除率、半纤维素移除率和纤维素移除率分别为28.1%、65.4%、37.5%和6.1%.预处理的‘热研4号’王草经酶解后,半纤维素、纤维素和总酶解得率分别为43.5%、85.7%和55.2%,比未经处理的酶解得率分别提高了18.1、4.5和4.4倍.此外,影响酶解得率的主要因素是预处理时间和温度,其次是石灰用量和固液比. Objective] The pretreatment of Pennisetum purpureum ×P.americanum cv.Reyan No.4 was studied with lime to improve the conversion rate for ethanol production .[Method] The effects of pretreat-ment time , temperature , the lime dosage , and solid-to-liquid ratio as well as the orthogonal optimization test on the composition and the following enzymatic hydrolysis of ‘Reyan No.4’ were investigated.[Re-sult and conclusion] The optimal pretreatment conditions were as follows:pretreatment time 3 h, temper-ature 125℃, solid-to-liquid ratio 1∶12 ( g· mL-1 ) and the lime dosage of material 0.15 g· g-1 .Under the optimal condition, dry mass loss was 28.1% in lime pretreatment, and the removal rates of lignin, hemicellulose and cellulose were 65.4%, 37.5%, 6.1%, respectively .The yields of hemicellulose , cellulose and total residue were 45.5%, 85.7%, 55.2%, respectively; in the following enzymatic hy-drolysis, they increased 18.1 times, 4.5 times and 4.4 times, respectively, compared with those of un-treated ‘Reyan No.4’ .The primary factors influencing enzymatic hydrolysis yield were temperature and time, followed by lime dosage and solid-to-liquid ratio.
出处 《华南农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第4期103-108,共6页 Journal of South China Agricultural University
基金 "十二五"国家科技支撑计划(2011BAD17B02-05)
关键词 '热研4号’王草 石灰 预处理 乙醇生产 Pennisetum purpureum × P. americanum cv. Reyan No. 4 lime pretreatment ethanol pro-duction
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