Affirming the legal persons' general personality right and admitting the existence of legal persons' moral interests is the theory premise for legal persons to obtain non property damage compensation, the infringement of legal name right, reputa- tion right, fame right is the infringement of spiritual interests. At the present stage, the system of compensation for spiritual dam- age in our country is relatively conservative, legal persons' spiritual interests can not be protected in the actual procedure, this is in fact the infringement of the legal persons' general personality right. Different from the traditional mental suffering, legal persons' spiritual interests should not require legal person with sensory and pain in fact, it should be mainly for direct and indirect economic losses. With the development of market economy, more and more legal persons put forward claims for spiritual damage, it' s necessary to improve the relevant provisions so that the legal person can obtain the subject qualification in law for spiritual damage.
Journal of Hunan University of Humanities,Science and Technology
moral damages
legal persons
the right of personality