
Design Automation of the Manufacturing Process of a Mini Biodiesel Plant

Design Automation of the Manufacturing Process of a Mini Biodiesel Plant
摘要 The increasing pollution in the atmospheric layer has meant world-wide temperature variations, causing the melting of icecaps and floods, among other environmental factors. This change in temperature has been mainly caused by the indiscriminate emission of CO2, especially due to the rising number of vehicles in circulation. Researchers have identified that, among other types of fuel, diesel has the highest level of CO2 emission. Hence the need for the development of biodiesel, produced from oleaginous plants, aimed at reducing the emission of this harmful gas into the atmosphere, besides using renewable resources. However, as in any automation process, it is necessary to have sensors, actuators, and controllers, which together perform the automation and control of the production process. Besides that, there are other process variables to be accounted for, such as temperature, flow, and level. Considering such concept, and within the academic context, the creation process of a mini biodiesel plant will be described.
机构地区 SENAI
出处 《Chinese Business Review》 2014年第2期111-125,共15页 中国经济评论(英文版)
关键词 BIODIESEL mini-plant AUTOMATION CONTROL 设计自动化 生物柴油 制造工艺 油厂 CO2排放 温度变化 可再生资源 自动化控制
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