千兆位以太网和ATM技术是目前主干网中普遍应用的网络技术。QoS(QualityofService ,服务质量 )是判断网络性能的一个基本标准。在QoS方面 ,ATM提供了可靠的显式QoS保证 ,但其成本昂贵。随着技术的发展 ,千兆位以太网主要从 2个方面实现了QoS :IEEE 80 2 .1Q/ p ,RSVP等一系列标准和协议的制定 ;以及第 3层交换技术的应用。千兆位以太网以其相对较低的成本和足够的QoS保证 ,成为目前最实用的企业主干网解决方案。
Gigabit Ethernet and ATM are mechanisms widely employed in network at preseat. According to network performance, one basic standard is QoS (Quality of Service ). ATM provides reliable and explicit QoS, but cost too much. With the development of technologies, Gigabit Ethernet has also provided QoS from two aspects: one is the emergency of a set of protocols and standards, such as IEEE 802.1Q/p, RSVP and so on; another is the implementing of Layer 3 switching technology. Since Gigabit Ethernet is cheaper than ATM and provides enough QoS, it becomes the most useful resolution for enterprise′ backbone network.
Journal of Beijing Institute of Machinery