在信息经济时代 ,学习先进的产品研发管理模式是我国企业加强技术创新战略管理 ,提高研发水平的重要手段之一。通过介绍美国产品研发领域目前应用较多的“有控节余”(controlledscrimping)策略 ,比较了美、日两国采用该策略产生的不同效果 ,从而提出了该策略对我国企业产品研发方面的借鉴意义。“有控节余”策略应该在我国企业新产品研发战略中占有一席之地 ,在采用该策略时应注意规避相应的风险 ;同时还应鼓励企业或相关机构对其进行深入研究 ,以期帮助我国企业实现缩短产品研发周期 ,降低研发成本 ,从而获取迅速投放市场的优势。
To Learn the advanced R&D management is a important way to enhance the technology innovation capability of our enterprises in information age. Introduce the controlled scrimping strategy which is applied widely in American new product R&D. Compare the results of adopting the strategy by American and Japanese companies. Propose that the controlled scrimping strategy have its position in the R&D management of our enterprises, and encourage the enterprises to adopt it to shorten the new product R&D period and reduce the new product R&D cost so as to quickly gain profit in the market.
Journal of Beijing Institute of Machinery